Sunday 10 January 2010

Manchester music scene

Basicaly, everything started on july 20th 1976 when the Sex Pistols gave a concert at the Manchester lesser free trade hall, that gig gave a lot of motivation to some spectators because they saw that anyone could do music, record an album and do concerts without having to practice an instrument or singing for years.
Punk bands like The Fall or The Buzzcocks appeared in Manchester around that time.

Joy Division, one of the best known Manchester bands was created partaly thanks to that concert because Peter Hook the bass player and Bernard Sumner the lead guitarits of Joy Division decided to form a band after going to that gig. They put an ad out for a singer, Ian Curtis responded and joined the group.
The band really started to do serious stuff in 1978 when they started to do gigs like first parts of The Buzzcocks or John Cooper Clark. They released an ep called ‘an ideal for living’ but the sound quality was quite bad.
The band wasn’t always called Joy Division, their first name was 'The Stiff Kittens' (an idea of The Buzzcocks manager) but they quickly changed to 'Warsaw', a reference to a David Bowie song. Then in mid-1978 they changed their name to 'Joy Division' to avoid confusion with another manchester band called Warsaw Pakt.
That same year Joy Division did their first apperance on the local tv channel Grenada tv, in a show presented by Tony Wilson who was an important figure at the time because he presented a lot of local bands in his show and helped some to become known, around the same time he created his label Factory Records which produced many local bands like Joy Division.
Joy Division recorded their first album "Unkown Pleasures" in 1979, and their 2nd in 1980: "Closer". Both albums were quite dark and gloomy, the songs often dealt with alienation, pressure, coldness, failure, despair... Closer had extremly dark lyrics because Ian Curtis was depressed (and the fact he suffered from severe seizures worsend his despair), he commited suicide on May 18th 1980 ath the age of 23.
After that sad event the remaining members of Joy Division formed New order, which encountered success in the 80’s.

The Smiths, another great Manchester band was created in 1982, they chose this name because it’s simplicity differenciated the band from other bands of the time that used complicated names like Original Manouvers in the Dark.
Their Songs mainly deal with every day life in the Manchester of the 80’s, with little hope and despair in the lyrics, but at the same time some songs were humerous, ironic and made fun of every day situations. A lot of people could identify to that and it made the strength of the band.
The band started to gain success in 1983 with the singles “this charming man” and “what difference does it make” (at the time they went on top of the pops and Morrissey sung with a bunch of flowers instead of the mike because he despised the fact that the show used playback instead of real singing).
In 1984 came out the first album: "The Smiths"
In 1985 came out "Meat is Murder"
In 1986 came out "The Queen is Dead" after several months delay because of legal disputes with the label. An exausting tour made tensions worse and the bass player Andy Rourke was fired for using heroin.
In 1987 "Strangeways Here we Come" is released. The groupe splits soon after, at the time there were many disputes between the band memebers, epecially between Johnny Marr and Morrissey who continued a solo career.

Other important Manchester bands of the 70's were:
-The Durutti Column
-A Certain Ratio

In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s appeared what was called the ‘Madchester’ scene, it concerned bands like the Happy Mondays, Stone Roses, Inspiral Carpets... There were major influences of the previous Manchester bands. It was also the beginning of clubbing with the Hacienda created by Tony Wilson. House music, baggy style and drugs (especially ecstasy) became more and more important. This period was dubbed “the second summer of love” in 1988-89 because of the great number of raves, free parties and drugs.

Other bands from Manchester apeared in the 1990’s like the Verve, Oasis, Nine Black Alps, Oceansize, the Longcut or Starsailor for example. John Mayall the Blues-Rock musician of the 1970’s also came from Manchester

Manchester is one of those great music scenes that gave us many wonderful bands, like Seattle that gave birth to Jimi Hendrix and the grunge scene of the 90’s with Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chaines...

Werner Herzog

Werner Herzog is a German director and actor born in 1942.
He is best known for Aguirre the wrath of god and Fitzcarraldo. his most notable films are (amongst many more):
-Signs of life
-Aguirre the wrath of god
-Heart of glass
-The wild blue yonder
-Rescue dawn
-Grizzly Man
-Encouters at the end of the world
-The great ecstasy of woodcarver Steiner
-Lessons of Darkness

He did a great number of films both in fiction and documentaries. He also played in some films like Incident at loch ness (that i greatly recommend) or Julien donkey-boy.
The movies he makes generally depict madness in any form, and at the same time you are touched by the characters' madness as it is often harmless for others but destructive for themselves.
His documentaries are beautiful and are often made in a way that gives a mysterious feeling to what is filmed (through the images, the music and the director's monologue).
He recently did a remake of Abel Ferrara's Bad Lieutenant.

Werner Herzog is one of my favorite directors and i recommend all his films.

Youtube Channel and presentation

For those intrested, i also have a youtube channel where i review films and music:

In this blog i will mostly review music and movies, i will also write about other stuff from time to time.